Insights & News

Free On Demand Finance Webinars

Our finance webinars are designed to address the challenges and opportunities business owners face every day. That’s why we’ve been offering a series of free educational sessions to provide practical knowledge and actionable strategies to strengthen your business. Covering topicsRead More

What Are CXO Services - And How Can They Save Your Business?

CXO Services: Why You Need Them For Your Business

You never know when your organization will face unexpected challenges that require immediate and expert intervention. CXO services provide crucial short-term leadership and guidance. Whether it’s navigating through financial distress, filling a sudden executive vacancy, or driving a strategic turnaround.Read More

8 bankruptcy Litigation services you must know

Top 8 Bankruptcy Litigation Services Every Business Must Know

Navigating the complexities of bankruptcy proceedings requires expert guidance and support from every angle. Newpoint Advisors Corporation is a financial advisory firm and leader in bankruptcy litigation services for smaller companies. We offer comprehensive solutions tailored to the diverse needsRead More

Three Business Turnaround Services

Three Business Turnaround Services You Need To Know Know

If you find your business in distress for any reason, you need to start investigating business turnaround services. Anything from natural disasters to economic downturns, to a failed business decision can cause significant financial struggles for a business. When thoseRead More

What is a 13 Week Cash Flow Model?

Cash flow is the lifeblood of any business. When your organization is feeling financial stress and your banking institution or stakeholders need you to turn things around quickly, they will likely ask you to build a 13 week cash flowRead More

Ken Yager Featured in the Commercial Factor

The article, written by Ken Yager, founder and president of Newpoint Advisors Corporation, delves into the critical importance of cash flow management within the factoring industry. Factoring, which provides immediate working capital to businesses, relies heavily on the proficient managementRead More

Newpoint Featured in the ABFJournal

Newpoint Advisors Corporation, with a decade of experience in the turnaround space, has distinguished itself in the asset-based lending industry through its innovative “laboratory approach” to assisting distressed borrowers. Leveraging its Turnaround Action Matrix Evaluation (TAME) platform, the company employsRead More

how to refinance a business

How To Refinance A Business

How to refinance a business? This strategic financial maneuver is aimed at improving a business’s financial health and sustainability. It involves restructuring their existing debts or securing new financing to better align the company’s financial resources with its operational needs.Read More

What Is A Special Asset Group Officer?

What is a Special Asset Group Officer? A Special Asset Group Officer, or SAG Officer, works for financial institutions to manage troubled assets. Typically, a SAG officer will be assigned by a bank to a business that has a loanRead More

Ken Yager at Financial Poise

Newpoint President Ken Yager has been featured in many webinars at Financial Poise. Ken is the founder and President of Newpoint Advisors and has 25 years of executive leadership experience in stakeholder communication. He has worked with clients in aRead More

How to Save My Failing Business

In the business world, unexpected challenges can leave you reeling and cause you to ask: “How to save my failing business?” When cash flow becomes a crisis point for a business, the stress and emotional toll can be significant. MuchRead More

What to look for in a Business Turnaround Consultant

Business turnaround success stories happen more often than you may think. Naturally, if your business is in trouble, you’ll search for effective ways to fix it. But waiting until issues start to snowball can cause businesses to fail. Bringing inRead More

Ken Yager to speak on the Credit & Ops Forum

Newpoint President Ken Yager will speak on the Secured Finance Network’s Credit & Ops Forum. On April 7th, Ken will address optimizing credit and operations functions. During this conversation, he will discuss strategies to generate opportunities and overcome challenges. TheRead More

Ken Yager Featured In The Secured Lender

In the latest issue of The Secured Lender from SFNET, Newpoint President Ken Yager sat with Eileen Wubbe and talked about the Newpoint story and journey. From our founding nearly ten years ago to the new and exciting things aroundRead More

Newpoint Featured as a Great Place to Work

Newpoint Advisors Corporation featured in The Secured Lender’s Great Places to Work issue. At Newpoint we strive to not only put out only high-quality work but to also have the highest quality team preforming that work. Under the One-Team MindsetRead More

Ken Yager Defines Accrued Expenses

Recently Newpoint President Ken Yager was asked to write an article for the “Know Thy Numbers” series for Financial Poise. He wrote about the uncharted territories of accrued expenses, how they’re made, how they differ from accounts payable, and howRead More

Ken Yager Featured on abfjournal

“I realized that Newpoint was only going to come to fruition by leveraging technology to provide solutions to smaller distressed businesses. Specifically, those who cannot be serviced by traditional consulting firms.” -Ken Yager Read Full Article Here


NOTICE OF ASSIGNEE’S SALE OF ASSETS OF DIGITAL GOLF TECHNOLOGIES, INC. D/B/A SWING KING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on Wednesday, June 22, 2022 @ 10:30 a.m. (CT), live via ZOOM, Matthew Brash, not individually but solely in his capacity asRead More

Brash Proves Subchapter V Model Works

CHICAGO (DATE TBD) – On the eve of the nation’s largest gathering of Bankruptcy Trustees which includes the newly appointed d Subchapter V Bankruptcy trustees, Newpoint Advisors Corporation congratulated Senior Managing Director Matthew Brash and Senior Managing Director Tim StoneRead More

Tales from the Front: Restructuring Case Studies

August 5, 2021 4PM – 5:30 PM EST Join TMA Detroit as we go in-depth on two restructuring case studies with four seasoned turnaround professionals. Listen and learn how successful restructuring was achieved in a Chapter 5 bankruptcy and inRead More

TMA Distressed Investing Conference

As an Imagination Sponsor for the Turnaround Management Association, we are pleased to announce that Ken Yager will be moderating Chapter 11 and Subchapter V- A Means to a [Dealmaking] End or Just the End? at this year’s Distressed InvestingRead More

Is Bankruptcy the Answer to Pandemic Business Troubles?

It’s no secret that COVID-19 has had a profound impact on businesses large and small. Headlines regularly report pandemic-related, high-profile bankruptcy filings for well-known companies, including J.C. Penney, Pier 1, and J. Crew. In fact, S&P Global Market Intelligence reportsRead More

Cash Flow Management in the New Normal featuring Ken Yager

We are living through unprecedented times of abrupt and major change. No one is unaffected by the rippling effects of this pandemic and the economic repercussions. Essentially, every business is now in transition, dealing with new and unexpected challenges. FurloughedRead More

Opportunity Amidst Crisis Webinar on June 23

A learning opportunity for business owners, corporate directors and officers, private equity professionals and others seeking to learn the ins and outs of dealing with a financially distressed company – whether running one, buying one, or trying to get paidRead More

Park Your Optimism

A big part of being a business leader means being an optimist. But there are times when you need to park your optimism. This is one of them. An asset-based lender told me this week that getting some of hisRead More

Leadership Series: Growth Mismanagement with Ken Yager

In a recent interview, Ken Yager, President, and founder of Newpoint Advisors offered his observations on growth mismanagement in lower-middle-market companies, from his perspective as a turnaround advisor.  What Are Some Common Signs That Trouble Is Brewing?“The companies that callRead More

When Can You Afford to Hire A Team?

Ken Yager contributed to this article for Monster Jobs. If you do decide to bring on new people and are unsure about your ability to take on a full-time person, consider doing so gradually. Hire a part-time person for threeRead More

Video – Who is Newpoint Advisors?

Watch the video below to understand more about who Newpoint Advisors is and how we help business owners. Are you a small or medium sized business owner, facing significant cash flow issues and have run out of options for moreRead More

Indispensable Secrets For Small Business Turnarounds

Published in ABL Advisor – Indispensable Secrets For Small Business Turnarounds addresses 10 Key business factors that distressed small companies must address – all energy must first be dedicated towards identifying the core issues driving current challenges and then towardsRead More

Financial Poise Articles – Webinar

Financial Poise™ has one objective: to provide credible, simple English business, financial and legal education for individual investors, entrepreneurs, and other private business owners. Newpoint Advisors shares this mission. Our goal is to save small businesses and that begins withRead More

TAME the Cash Flow Beast

Green Industry Pros featured NewPoint Advisors’ TAME™ and Cash Flow Launcher™ as tools to “TAME the cash flow beast.” The tools TAME™ and Cash Flow Launcher™, help million-dollar businesses get their arms around cash flow with 13-week projections, excel-based workbooksRead More

Everyday Finance Tips for Small Business Owners

Ken Yager contributed to this article for Quicken. While historical data is vital for keeping your budget on a firm foundation, it’s not going to tell the whole story for this month or the months to come, especially if yourRead More

What’s the Future of Banking?

Ken Yager contributed to this article for Future of Everything While digital banking may help with that from a cost perspective there are some elements of business support that we have to be careful about. The biggest risk for businessesRead More

Playing Workout Roulette: Some Rules to Remember

Unfortunately, there is no exact blueprint to working out a loan or lease collateralized by equipment. And as your client spins the roulette wheel with equipment usage, there are a number of ways the business can affect your collateral andRead More

WGN Radio

WGN’s Voice of Chicago Innovation, looks for innovators that have set out to re-shape entire industries. Newpoint Advisors Corp, a Chicago-based company devoted to bringing big Corp turnaround help to SMBs everywhere, was the guest. Founder Ken Yager was askedRead More

Insight Into Banking

Ken Yager contributed to this article for the Foresight for Development. While digital banking may help with that from a cost perspective there are some elements of business support that we have to be careful about. The biggest risk forRead More

A Unique Vision… Not Thinking Small By Any Means

When Ken Yager and his associates introduced the turnaround management company Newpoint Advisors Corporation, he did so with the aim of targeting small to lower middle-market companies in a time-efficient and cost-effective manner. But by no means was he thinkingRead More