Tales from the Front: Restructuring Case Studies

August 5, 2021

4PM – 5:30 PM EST

Join TMA Detroit as we go in-depth on two restructuring case studies with four seasoned turnaround professionals. Listen and learn how successful restructuring was achieved in a Chapter 5 bankruptcy and in a turnaround effort. The panel will present an overview of each case and the lessons learned throughout the engagement.

Panelists: Heather Gardner (DWH), Lynn Brimer (Strobl & Sharp), Paul Schapira (Newpoint Advisors), Michael Yarmo (Newpoint Advisors)

Event Pricing: Free to members/non-members

Webinar Host: TMA Detroit

Breakout Rooms Needed: Yes/No Yes but only for Networking

Networking Following Event: Yes/No Yes for 30 min, if there are enough attendees

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