Financial Poise Webinars™ presents “Help, My Business is In Trouble!,” a live webinar premiering August 24th at 2:00 PM CST. This webinar is co-produced by West LegalEdCenter™ and part of the “Restructuring, Insolvency & Troubled Companies 2022” series. It will feature Ken Yager (President of Newpoint Advisors Corporation), Thad Wilson (King & Spalding LLP), Gray W. Marsh (Troutman Pepper), and Dan Bender (Stoneleigh Group).
This webinar explains the steps a business owner typically goes through when their business is in distress, denial, choice paralysis and more. Going further, this webinar will go into what a business owner should and should not do and consider while in financial distress. With topics of Chapters 7 and 11 bankruptcy; assignments for the benefit of creditors, and friendly foreclosures, this will be an overview and a framework on how to decide what to do next while walking the line of financial distress.
Note: If you or your firm are subscribed to West LegalEdCenter™, this webinar is included in your subscription at no additional cost.